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    The summer reason is back with a vengeance as the sweltering heat of the sun is making your life miserable and despondent. This is the time when you can’t stay much time outside as you will be grilled by the scorching heat of the sun. Even you can’t stay comfortably inside your home or apartment if you don’t know how to cool down your apartment. Because the summer heat also uplifts the inside temperature of your house. In this article, we are mentioning some steps regarding how to cool down apartment during the summer.

    1. Install An Air-Conditioner:

    If you are living in a flat in Thrissur or a luxury apartment in Thrissur, you can easily install an AC to stay calm and comfortable in the summer. Many companies also offer some lucrative discounts on air-conditioners to entice the customers. Though this is the best option, still, it will increase your electric bill drastically. Also, the price of an air-conditioner is much higher than other equipment that many people can’t afford it. So, you should look for some other cooling options to combat the scorching heat of the summer.

    2. Close Your Blinds:

    During the summer, a lot of unwanted heat comes through your windows and uplifts your room temperature. You can easily block these waves with your blinds, shades, and curtains. A plethora of statistics has claimed that by closing your blinds, you can easily lower indoor temperatures by up to 20 degrees.

    3. Turn Off Electronic Devices:

    Turn Off Electronic Devices

    If you are planning to switch from incandescent to compact fluorescent lights (CFCs), then this is the right time. Because incandescent and halogen bulbs not only uplift your electricity bills but also, they produce a lot of heat. So, to stay cool and happy this summer, ditch all incandescent bulbs and install CFCs. These days, most of the electronic devices (computer, gaming instrument, TV, etc.) are power-hungry and produce heat. So, try to use them strategically and turn them off if you are not using them. This will minimize your inside temperature and will make you feel comfortable. Check out how to keep electric bill low in summer.

    4. Cook Wisely In The Summer:

    If you want to keep your room’s temperature minimum in the summer, then you should opt for a smart cooking strategy. Don’t try to cook by using the oven during the day time as it will produce a lot of heat. You should try to cook either in the morning or in the evening because, during this time, the outside temperature is not very high. If you want to cook during the day time, try to use micro-oven or grilling instruments instead of using an oven. Are you blessed with a backyard or an outside space? If yes, then use it in the summer for a barbecue dinner. 

    Also, read some of the best apartment kitchen storage ideas you must know.

    5. Close Your Doors:

    Close Your Doors

    If you want to stay cool and contented inside your apartment, then close all the doors especially during the day time. Because once you are closing the doors, this will prevent cool air from pervading. Thus, you can keep your room temperature minimal and comfortable. But you should open your doors and windows during the evening and night so that cool air from outside can enter your room and make you feel comfortable.

    6. Think About Fabrics:

    Are your pillowcases, bed sheets, cushions, and other clothing items summer-friendly? If not, then switch your fabrics to cotton and other light-colored materials to stay cooler in the summer. Try to use white color as much as possible because absorbs less sunlight and helps you to breathe easily. This is the time that you should exchange your sheets for a bamboo mat. Because bamboo mats are cooler than the cotton sheets and you can find many options which are ideal for sleeping.

    7. Chill Yourself Out:

    It is true that you are taking some steps to cool down your apartment in the summer, but, at the same time, you need to think about how you can cool yourself from the inside. Don’t do anything which can increase your body temperature. Always wear light-weighted clothing items and use a cold washcloth to cool down some areas like your head, neck, hands, and feet. A cool bath is also a great idea which will refresh you in this summer. Sip ice-drinks and always keep a bottle just beside your bed. In the night whenever you feel dry and dehydrated, take a sip from the bottle.

    8. Use Your Exhaust Fans:

    Use Your Exhaust Fans

    These days, most of the flats in Thrissur or other cities possess exhaust fans both in the bathrooms and kitchens. If your apartment also has exhaust fans in these two places, then use it instead of investing in an AC. Because exhaust fans not only wipe out excess steam from your kitchen but also, they draw out heat waves from your apartment. Thus, by using exhaust fans wisely, you can cool down your apartment.

    9. Use Ice And Fan:

    This is an old school trick which was used by people for years ago when air conditioning systems are not introduced in the market. You should take a large bowl and fill it up with ice cubes. Now, you need to place the bowl in such a location where the fan would blow across it. In this way, you will get cool and misty breeze which will refresh you even during the warmest part of the day.

    10. Use Ceiling Fans:

    If you can’t afford an AC, then you don’t you consider a ceiling fan which is a great solution to keep your apartment cool during the summer. These fans usually keep the air moving constantly and thus, your rooms get cooler in a faster way. But ensure that all the fans are rotating counter-clockwise during the hot summer season this helps your house cool better and gives you a soothing room temperature.

    11. Add Some Permanent Shade:

    If your apartment has no protection from the sun, it will get direct heat from the sun and this will certainly make your life awful. You can combat this problem by adding awnings to your windows. These awnings will provide some shades and will block the sunlight from directly entering your room. Thus, you will stay comfortable and cooler inside.

    12. Go For a Plant Shade:

    Go for a Plant Shade

    If you want to get rid of the scorching heat of the sun, install a plant shade. Though it is a time-consuming and a difficult job for you, still, you will get the result certainly if you apply it. According to the experts and the scientists the plants and trees usually block nearly 70% of solar radiation and are ideal if you want to cool your apartment. Nowadays, the markets are thronged with many shade-providing plants and herbs which you can install easily in front of your windows. This will drastically drop down the temperature of your room. The plants also inhale CO2 and exhale O2 and thus, provide you with fresh air. It is believed that indoor plants can successfully drop down the temperature up to 5 to 10 °F of your room. Here are some terrace garden ideas.

    13. Make Use Of The Night:

    Though summer days are unpleasant and humid, still, summer nights are cooler and refreshing. If you want to minimize the temperature of your apartment, utilize these nights wisely. You should open all the doors and windows during the evening so that the cool breeze can enter your room. You can also place some fans near your windows so that they can suck the cool breeze.

    14. Invest Wisely For Doors, Windows, And Insulation:

    If you want to make a smart investment for your home, always go for more energy efficient windows, doors and insulation. You should know that better insulation and tighter seals will make your apartment cooler during the sweltering heat of the summer. Moreover, they will also make your apartment warmer in winter with less energy.

    The above, we mentioned some ways regarding how to cool down apartment particularly in the summer. If you have purchased a flat from an eminent builder in Thrissur, try to follow these tips to stay calm and comfortable during the scorching heat of the summer. With the help of the internet, you can find many more ways which will help you to cool down your apartment.

    Hi-Life Builders is one of the best builders in Thrissur. Apart from building wonderful homes, our portfolio includes home care, resale, and home loan assistance and you will be happy to know that we have a dedicated team for after sales service and property management service. For further information on our project contact us now!