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    What is CREDAI and it’s importance? Established in 1999, the Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India  (CREDAI) brings together more than 11500 Real Estate Developers from 156 city chapters across 23 states of India. As the apex body for private sector developers, it has consistently worked to make the industry more organized and progressive.

    Also, this has developed into a preferred platform with regard to the national discourse on housing and habitat through its close and deep networking with government, policy makers, investors, finance companies, consumers, real estate professionals and developers. Also read about Kerala land registration guide.

    CREDAI’s code of conduct promotes self-governance and ethical practices and is adopted voluntarily by all its members. It also opens up a knowledge sharing forum where you can find the latest industry data, technology advancements, industry benchmarks and international situation from time to time.

    CREDAI Thrissur is actively involved in promoting real estate development across Thrissur with a national impetus. Also, it comprises of a league of developers and builders who have over the years earned reputation of being trustworthy among buyers and investors in and around Thrissur. Also Read: Things To Consider Before Buying Apartments In Thrissur

    Roles and Responsibilities:

    ➽ Facilitating Events, workshops, roundtables, discussion, and expert opinion.

    ➽ Its foremost responsibility is to bring developers on the same platform and create opportunities for the real estate developer community to interact with other stakeholders in the industry, like government bodies, professionals and consultants.

    ➽ And it also organizes workshops, seminars, and roundtables and conducts the large annual real estate conference.

    ➽ For consultations, expert opinions and comments on issues of concern, it seeks the help of lawyers, accountants and analysts from time to time.

    ➽ It also commissions studies as and when needed.

    ➽ Also promotes Ethics, best practices, and professional practice.

    ➽ It supports its member developers in building a reputation as that of professional organizations.

    ➽ CREDAI’s Code of Conduct provides clear guidelines for developers to serve their customers in an ethical and transparent manner.

    ➽ Credai Members are strictly and voluntarily required to follow the Code of Conduct, which offers the community transparency and professionalism through events, workshops and grievance redressal cells for consumers.

    ➽ It takes special care to promote the best practices and efficient construction methodologies among developers.

    It has been actively fostering public relations by utilizing support functions which is directed to the cause of improving the image of real estate service providers in the eyes of customers, the government and the media. Also checkout things to consider before choosing a real estate agent

    Builds Linkages, Partnerships, and Strength:

    CREDAI builds relationships between developers and the government through representations, debates and active participation in all meetings organized by the government to take feedback from the industry.

    Credai build relationships between developers

    It works on the principle belief that strength is achieved through partnership and thereby has developed a strong relationship with the government through sustained interactions with the Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, the Planning Commission, Ministry of Environment and Forests, and others.

    It has been partnering with the government to work on areas of common interest and specifically provides a balanced and integrated industry viewpoint on critical aspects like policy and regulation.

    It exercises strong relations with the media through a coordinated PR campaign.

    Also, it has strong linkages with other industry associations, professionals and consultants, as well as international organizations, which brings in extra benefits to the participating members. Also Read about the  10 Clever Interior Design Tricks to Transform Your Home

    Serve Information, Advisory, and Advocacy:

    CREDAI provides important services like raising issues relevant to developers in government and non-government forums, suggesting policy changes, making representations, and giving the developers a unified front.

    It acts as a single point of information for the developer community based on the latest developments in the industry. It also helps members connect with experts who can offer specific advice. Also read the credit score needed for first time home buyers.

    Prosper Sustainable and Forward-Looking Vision:

    It is committed to Indian real estate’s growth history. Despite the current economic slowdown, it is confident that real estate will prosper, backed by considerable domestic demand for homes, office spaces and retail facilities, among other infrastructure needs.

    CREDAI guarantees a long-term and sustainable development of the real estate industry in India and specifically works on the contribution that private real estate developers can make to this success story. Read some real estate myths.

    These are the important things you should know about the CREDAI membership.

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