
Quick Enquiry

    The term Bhumi is derived from the Sanskrit word Phumi- the real name of Goddess. Bhumi is also known as Bhudevi, Vasundhara, Hindu goddess, the personification of Earth. She is the wife of lord Vishnu. Bhumidevi, is seated on a platform that rests on the back of four elephants, which represents four cardinal directions. There are two portrayals of Bhudevi. One with four arms holding a pomegranate water vessel, a bowl of healing herbs and vegetables respectively. She is sometimes portrayed with two hands, the right hand holding a blue lotus known as Kumuda, the night lotus, and the left hand may indicate Bhumi means Mother Earth. People believed that the pose of Abhayamudra, the fearlessness, or the Lohastamudra. Performing Bhoomi pooja will destroy all the ill effects and Vastu doshas in the land and helps for a smooth construction. Bhoomi Pooja will be performed all across India, in metro cities like New Delhi, and Mumbai to Flats in Thrissur, Cochin, and so on.

    Bhoomi pooja should take place in the northeast corner of the plot.

    Important factors to remember after buying land or Bhoomi

    • Give the most importance to building a compound wall before the construction of the home.
    • One should grow plants, after selecting the construction site.
    • Approaching an experienced priest to perform pooja is important. Also, read more about how choose right home builder.

    Who should perform Bhoomi Pooja?

    Bhoomi Pooja is done by the head of the family along with the wife. The priest will disclose all the details including Subh muhurat which will help you to proceed with the pooja in the right manner.

    Benefits of doing a Bhoomi Pooja:

    • It is very important to seek the blessing of Bhoomi before constructing a building or for the land of cultivation.
    • It will ensure the safety and happiness of residents who are going to reside in that property.
    • Bhoomi pooja calls on the Vaastu Purusha who grants his blessings to the worshipper.
    • Bhoomi pooja will purify the construction site and get rid of all negativity.

    Vaastu Purusha:

    Vaastu Purusha is the God of the construction of buildings. There was a story behind the birth of Vaastu Purusha. According to Hindu mythology, there was a war between a demon and Lord Shiva. During the fight, sweat drops fell from Shiv’s body and it is believed that from the sweat Vaastu Purusha was born. Vaastu pooja is done to please Vaastu purusha. Vastu Purush was chaotic and hungry most of the time.

    The legend of Vaastu purusha

    Due to this nature, other gods are scared that he will demolish the whole universe. Hence all the gods with the help of Lord Brahma approached Vastu Purusha in doing so. So Lord Brahma called on the gods of eight directions to come and help him to stop Vastu Purush. All the gods came and grabbed Vastu Purush and placed his head in the northeast and legs in the southwest direction. Hence, he asked for Lord Brahma’s forgiveness. 

    Vastu Purush Mandala

    It is believed that all gods still hold the position on Vastu Purush. All the 45 gods are considered to be still present along with Vastu Purush on every part of the earth. The structure which represents Vastu Purush along with 45 gods known as Vastu Purush Mandal.

    Utilization of Vastu Principles

    It is better if you understand Vastu principles and create a peaceful space for your life that gives you the right kind of energy.

    Pancha Bhoota

    According to Hinduism, Pancha Bhoota also known as Pancha Maha Bhoota are the five great elements that are the basis of all cosmic reactions. The five elements are:

    • Prithvi
    • Water
    • Fire
    • Air
    • Space

    Earth (Prithvi)

    Earth is the first element among the five. One can touch and smell the earth. It has both magnetical and gravitational qualities too. Earth holds all the living and non-living substances to the solid surface. 

    Water (Jala)

    On our planet, one-third is water. Water is an important part of every living organism. Eighty percent of the human body consists of water.

    Fire (Agni)

    Mars and Sun are both planets that are considered to be the lord of the element Fire. The Sun is the source of fire, which gives light to Earth. If there is no Sun, there won’t be light on the earth.

    Air (Vayu)

    Saturn is the lord of element Air. Touch and feel are the important elements of air. Without air, no living organism can survive. Oxygen which is in the air is essential for breathing.

    Space (Akash)

    Jupiter is the lord of the element space. In Vaastu shastra, sky is considered to be the free space of the universe. Earth will be able to receive light, gravity, heat only when the activities in the space takes place.

    When to perform bhoomi pooja?

      Performing bhoomi pooja in the months of Shravan, Karthik and Margashirsha is very ideal. Monday and Thursday are believed to be very auspicious for these pooja. Also, read more about low budget single floor house design.

    What to avoid in Bhoomi Pooja?

    It is better if we avoid pooja in the days of Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. It is also better to avoid Hadpaksha, Shraadpaksha for such auspicious poojas. Fourth, Ninth and Fourteenth ? is not good for this pooja. It is always better to avoid the construction, if a female in your house is seven months pregnant.  

    How does lunar constellations impact bhoomi pooja?

    You must count the number of lunar constellations on the first day of construction. If the number comes in between 1 to7 or 19 to 28, then the day for pooja is not suitable. It will be very good if the number comes in between 8 to 18.

    How to perform Bhoomi pooja?

    Here is how to perform Bhoomi pooja:

    • The first step is to clean all the waste and dirt on the site.
    • Must dig a hole in the northeast direction on the site.
    • The worshipper should face the eastern side and after completing the pooja, the female of the family should boil the milk and it should spill out from the vessel.
    • Place the idols of Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi.
    • Perform Ganesh pooja. In Hinduism, it is believed that for any auspicious work, one should perform Ganesh pooja in the beginning. Lord Ganesh is considered to be an obstacle remover, also known as Vighnaharta. To avoid any obstacle to the project’s progress Ganesh’s blessings are sought.
    • Place a coconut used in the pooja covered with red cloth on the floor.
    • Place the idols of Naag and Naagin. According to Hinduism, seeking the blessings of the serpent god (who resides in patala loka) can please him and receive the permission to commence construction. Water, honey, milk and ghee are given as offerings to serpent in some religions.

    Requirements for Bhoomi Pooja

     The lists of Bhoomi pooja include 100 grams of Kumkum, 100 grams of turmeric powder, one box of sandal powder, one packet of karpur, one packet of agarbatti, five types of fruits (2 each), five coconuts, three bunches of flowers and 4lb of rice are the essential things needed for Bhoomi pooja.

    Other requirements for this pooja are one set of Navaratnas (9 types of gems), a packet of dry dates, five green limes, a set of Pancha lohas, two packets of Navadhanyam, a plate, and a Kalash.

    Stages related to the construction of site

    As per the mythology, home-related muhurtas are divided into the following steps:

    • Bhoomi pooja for the honoring of Mother Earth
    • Bali daana is a ritual in Hinduism 
    • Hala Karshaana is the next step for the leveling of the site to take place
    • The next step is the sowing of seeds known as Ankura-Roopana
    • Then it’s time for Shilaanyaasa which is the laying of the foundation stone
    • After this, digging of well or source of water is done
    • Fixation of door frames takes place
    • Last is the entry into the new house, Griha Pravesh

        After the pooja, Nivedya is distributed to all people. Also, read more about how to celebrate vishu at home.

    House Warming Ceremony

     Once the construction is completed, housewarming or   grahapravesh is celebrated. For Graha Pravesh, the priest will give information about the sub muhurta. On that auspicious day, home will be decorated with flowers and Rangolis. A coconut will be broken, female of the family member will enter in to the house with Diya and milk will be boiled and at last, sweet will be distributed as prasadam. 

    Hi-Life Builders is one of the best builders in Thrissur. Apart from building wonderful homes, our portfolio includes home care, resale, and home loan assistance and you will be happy to know that we have a dedicated team for after-sales service and property management service. For further information on our project contact us now!